Friday, September 19, 2014

Stories of 3 Module

Stories of 3 Module
September 15 - October 10

Here is what we will be working on during our "Stories of 3 Module."

Language Arts

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Providing a reaction to a story event using “I think” and “I like/didn’t like…because”
·         Retelling the story in sequence using the words beginning, middle, and end to a partner
·         Retelling key details from a story
·         Discussing what moment in a story an illustration depicts
·         Identifying and producing rhyming words
·         Comparing different fairy tale versions and character traits
·         Making connections to the story, characters, and setting
·         Vocabulary – first thinking aloud about unknown words & possible means, then learning the words, and finally using the new words as we talk with our partners and in our classroom setting
·         Identifying capital & lowercase letters and producing letter sounds
·         Practicing identifying and writing kindergarten snappy sight words
·         Using strategies  to decode tricky words

                   Retelling the Three Little Bears story using character pictures!

Our NEW Favorite Books for the Month!!!
The Three Little Bears
Children's Classic Fairy Tales: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (... Cover Art  
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Fairytales - Three Billy Goats Gruff   
The Three Little Pigs
Fairytales - 3 Little Pigs
Little Red Riding Hood & Lon Po Po
Fairytales - Little Red Riding Hood  
Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book
Charlie Cook's Favorite Book
Clever Jack Takes the Cake
Clever Jack Takes The Cake 258x300 Review: Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming

Readers Workshop

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Readers take care for their book buckets by carrying and storing books in it properly so the books last all year,
·          Readers get better at reading by making sure they read the whole time.
·         Readers read for a longer amount of time by re-reading their books, acting the book out, thinking about their characters thoughts & feelings, and making connections with their character.
·         Readers practice reading by pointing and knowing where to start.
·         Readers know how to share a reading adventure with a partner by taking turns and making plans.
·         Readers know how to share a reading adventure with a partner by actively listening.
·         Readers can act out their characters by looking closely at the picture and imaging what the characters would do or say.
·         Readers become better readers by re-reading books that are favorite content or character books.
·         Readers use the details in their books to tell the whole story.
·         Readers use the illustrations to predict what will happen in the story next.
·         Readers use the word wall words they now to help them read.  (Sight words!)
·         Readers think more deeply about a story by sharing their favorite part with a partner.
·         Readers compare books by finding parts that are the same and parts that are different.  (Three Little Bears, Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff)
·         Readers talk to a partner about their feelings, learning, and connections from their book.

Snappy Words We Have Learned (9/19)

I, a, my, to, go, he, we, can, see 

Keep practicing these words at home! :)  Test your siblings with your flashcards!

Snappy Words We Will Learn

like, is, the, at, am...

Writers Workshop

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Writers put letters/labels next to their pictures to show what the picture is. 
·         Writers picture what they want to write about first and then put all of the details onto the page.
·         Writers say words slowly and write down each sound they hear.
·         When writers have an idea that is hard to draw, or a word that is hard to spell, they don't quit.  They keep trying!
·         Writers want to tell more and add more pages to their book.
·         Writers think about how their whole story will go and pre-plan.
·         Writers have a writing partner.  Writing partners give feedback by giving compliments and tips.
·         Writers say words slowly over and over again to write down all of the sounds they hear.
·         Writers get ready to write by first telling their stories out loud.
·         Writers plan how their stories will go by touching each page as they tell their story.
·         Writers add details to their illustrations by thinking about where they were, who they were with, and what they were doing in their story.
·         Writers have a place for their words and a place for their illustrations.
·         Writers have interesting stories that are not boring.
·         Writers choose their best piece of writing to "fancy-up."
·         Publishing Party!!!


-       Counting on from any number - 0-10

- Recognizing numbers in a 5-frame

- Subitizing numbers 2 & 3 - As we see these numbers in different colors, arrangements, and shapes, we recognize that the quantity still remains 2 & 3.

- Sequencing events - putting the events of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in order

-       Number writing with verbal pathways - 0-10

- Tracing & writing a number, then showing its quantity with a picture

-       Identifying numbers 0-30

-       Shapes - Trapezoid and Hexagon

~ The Kindergarten Team ~

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

We have LOVED identifying letters and learning letter sounds!  Please continue to practice capital and lowercase flashcards at home nightly.  Please also find these letters in your kindergarten sight words!  Please continue to practice our kindergarten sight words nightly as well!  We already have begun to see these words in our leveled books we read during Readers Workshop! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Kindergarten Classroom Behavior

                                        Kindergarten Classroom Behavior

You will be receiving our Kindergarten Classroom Behavior Matrix.  This matrix outlines our classroom expectations for being positive, safe, respectful, and responsible.  

You may hear your child come home and tell you that they got a "green," “yellow” or a “red.”   Every child in our room starts out the day on green.  If they fail to listen to directions after a couple reminders, children will move to a yellow.  If the behavior still continues, they will move to a red and a phone call home may be made.  We take these very seriously and encourage you to check in with your child each night to see what they received for the day.  

Milk Program for Snack Time

Milk Program for Snack Time

Our Milk Program for snack time has started!  We have received many yellow slips back indicating whether your child will or will not be participating in the program.  If you still need to turn in your slip, please do so as soon as possible if your child would like to participate.  Thank you!

Pizza Ranch Field Trip

Pizza Ranch Field Trip!

The kindergarten classes are taking a field trip to the Oostburg Pizza Ranch.  On the tour we are going to learn how food is prepared, how a restaurant runs, and how to make a pizza!  This experience will prepare us to write "How-To" papers in Writers Workshop in the coming weeks.  The Pizza Ranch has been very generous in letting us come each year at no cost!  Please thank them the next time you are there.

Here are the dates each class is going:

October 9th- Mrs. Ramaker's class
October 16th- Ms. Glodosky's class
October 23rd- Mr. Michna's class

The classes will be walking to the pizza ranch on these dates, so please make sure that your child dresses appropriately for the weather.  Please wear comfy shoes for walking!!!  No cold lunch/hot lunch is needed on this date as we will get to make our pizza!  

Each class is looking for 2 or 3 volunteers to help supervise children on this trip.  Each kindergarten teacher will take the first 2 or 3 volunteers who respond.  Each classroom teacher will notify you if you are one of the first two or three who respond.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Chester the Raccoon

Chester the Raccoon
All Kindergarten classes have enjoyed reading the story "The Kissing Hand" written by Audrey Penn.  Ask your child to retell the events of the story.  How did Chester feel in the beginning of the story? (Very sad because he didn't want to go to school and leave his mom and house).  How did he feel in the middle of the story?  (Chester was now happy and excited to go to school).  What action changed his feelings?  (His mom gave him the Kissing Hand!  Ask your child what this means! :)  How did he feel in the end? (Chester looked forward to school and danced all the way there.  He was excited to learn, meet new friends, and play with new toys.  He wasn't worried because he knew his Mommy loved him). 
Raccoons in Miss G's classroom!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Week!

First Week!
Our first week of kindergarten is almost complete!  Students have dived right in by learning classroom procedures and routines.  We have also practiced the school-wide PBIS system so that we are safe, respectful, and responsible in all we do.  Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop have begun!  Students are practicing habits of independent readers, writers, and listeners.  Each classroom has practiced what each workshop should look and sound like. 

In Readers Workshop, students have helped to create a list of what good readers do.  Students have been introduced to print concepts as we demonstrate how to open and take care of a book, and how text moves left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.  Teachers have modeled making personal connections to text.  Students have also learned to retell an event’s beginning, middle, and end through sequencing pictures.  We learned that readers can "read" a story by looking at the pictures, looking at the words, or by retelling the story.             

In Writers Workshop, students have helped to create a list of what good writers do.  During Writers Workshop this week, we have begun to "write" stories.  We have drawn to show what we like and what we know about.  We have learned to share our stories with our carpet partners and have practiced giving compliments about a partner's piece of work. 

We will continue exploring the following books this upcoming week!

Arrival and Departure Information

Arrival and Departure Information

When children arrive in the morning, please drop them off at the front of school.  Please do not drop them off on New York Avenue where buses drop off for safety reasons.  Students may head straight outdoors for a bit of outside time before the school day begins.  There is no need to come to the classrooms to drop off backpacks/coats, etc. When the morning bell rings, they will line up at their designated doors (Door 7 for Ms. Glodosky and Mrs. Ramaker, and the South Doors for Mr. Michna).  We will greet them there and bring them inside for our morning routines.

Throughout September, the Kindergarten teachers will be walking their students to the front of the building at dismissal time (3:25ish).  We will have your children meet you outside of the front doors of the school.  Once students are comfortable with this procedure (usually in early October, if not sooner), the “walkers”  (this group is called the walkers even if they ride a bike or drive home) will leave the classroom together as a group, and meet their parents and/or caregivers right outside of the doors.  This procedure will remain in place on Early Release days as well.

If your child's transportation plans change, you MUST contact the Elementary School office directly.  The office will then notify the teacher of the change in pick-up plan.  We will then make sure your child gets to their safe direction.  If the office is NOT notified, we will follow protocol - send them on their usual route.