Thursday, September 4, 2014

Arrival and Departure Information

Arrival and Departure Information

When children arrive in the morning, please drop them off at the front of school.  Please do not drop them off on New York Avenue where buses drop off for safety reasons.  Students may head straight outdoors for a bit of outside time before the school day begins.  There is no need to come to the classrooms to drop off backpacks/coats, etc. When the morning bell rings, they will line up at their designated doors (Door 7 for Ms. Glodosky and Mrs. Ramaker, and the South Doors for Mr. Michna).  We will greet them there and bring them inside for our morning routines.

Throughout September, the Kindergarten teachers will be walking their students to the front of the building at dismissal time (3:25ish).  We will have your children meet you outside of the front doors of the school.  Once students are comfortable with this procedure (usually in early October, if not sooner), the “walkers”  (this group is called the walkers even if they ride a bike or drive home) will leave the classroom together as a group, and meet their parents and/or caregivers right outside of the doors.  This procedure will remain in place on Early Release days as well.

If your child's transportation plans change, you MUST contact the Elementary School office directly.  The office will then notify the teacher of the change in pick-up plan.  We will then make sure your child gets to their safe direction.  If the office is NOT notified, we will follow protocol - send them on their usual route.

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