Friday, September 19, 2014

Stories of 3 Module

Stories of 3 Module
September 15 - October 10

Here is what we will be working on during our "Stories of 3 Module."

Language Arts

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Providing a reaction to a story event using “I think” and “I like/didn’t like…because”
·         Retelling the story in sequence using the words beginning, middle, and end to a partner
·         Retelling key details from a story
·         Discussing what moment in a story an illustration depicts
·         Identifying and producing rhyming words
·         Comparing different fairy tale versions and character traits
·         Making connections to the story, characters, and setting
·         Vocabulary – first thinking aloud about unknown words & possible means, then learning the words, and finally using the new words as we talk with our partners and in our classroom setting
·         Identifying capital & lowercase letters and producing letter sounds
·         Practicing identifying and writing kindergarten snappy sight words
·         Using strategies  to decode tricky words

                   Retelling the Three Little Bears story using character pictures!

Our NEW Favorite Books for the Month!!!
The Three Little Bears
Children's Classic Fairy Tales: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (... Cover Art  
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Fairytales - Three Billy Goats Gruff   
The Three Little Pigs
Fairytales - 3 Little Pigs
Little Red Riding Hood & Lon Po Po
Fairytales - Little Red Riding Hood  
Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book
Charlie Cook's Favorite Book
Clever Jack Takes the Cake
Clever Jack Takes The Cake 258x300 Review: Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming

Readers Workshop

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Readers take care for their book buckets by carrying and storing books in it properly so the books last all year,
·          Readers get better at reading by making sure they read the whole time.
·         Readers read for a longer amount of time by re-reading their books, acting the book out, thinking about their characters thoughts & feelings, and making connections with their character.
·         Readers practice reading by pointing and knowing where to start.
·         Readers know how to share a reading adventure with a partner by taking turns and making plans.
·         Readers know how to share a reading adventure with a partner by actively listening.
·         Readers can act out their characters by looking closely at the picture and imaging what the characters would do or say.
·         Readers become better readers by re-reading books that are favorite content or character books.
·         Readers use the details in their books to tell the whole story.
·         Readers use the illustrations to predict what will happen in the story next.
·         Readers use the word wall words they now to help them read.  (Sight words!)
·         Readers think more deeply about a story by sharing their favorite part with a partner.
·         Readers compare books by finding parts that are the same and parts that are different.  (Three Little Bears, Three Little Pigs, Three Billy Goats Gruff)
·         Readers talk to a partner about their feelings, learning, and connections from their book.

Snappy Words We Have Learned (9/19)

I, a, my, to, go, he, we, can, see 

Keep practicing these words at home! :)  Test your siblings with your flashcards!

Snappy Words We Will Learn

like, is, the, at, am...

Writers Workshop

Here is a list of what we will be working on:
·         Writers put letters/labels next to their pictures to show what the picture is. 
·         Writers picture what they want to write about first and then put all of the details onto the page.
·         Writers say words slowly and write down each sound they hear.
·         When writers have an idea that is hard to draw, or a word that is hard to spell, they don't quit.  They keep trying!
·         Writers want to tell more and add more pages to their book.
·         Writers think about how their whole story will go and pre-plan.
·         Writers have a writing partner.  Writing partners give feedback by giving compliments and tips.
·         Writers say words slowly over and over again to write down all of the sounds they hear.
·         Writers get ready to write by first telling their stories out loud.
·         Writers plan how their stories will go by touching each page as they tell their story.
·         Writers add details to their illustrations by thinking about where they were, who they were with, and what they were doing in their story.
·         Writers have a place for their words and a place for their illustrations.
·         Writers have interesting stories that are not boring.
·         Writers choose their best piece of writing to "fancy-up."
·         Publishing Party!!!


-       Counting on from any number - 0-10

- Recognizing numbers in a 5-frame

- Subitizing numbers 2 & 3 - As we see these numbers in different colors, arrangements, and shapes, we recognize that the quantity still remains 2 & 3.

- Sequencing events - putting the events of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in order

-       Number writing with verbal pathways - 0-10

- Tracing & writing a number, then showing its quantity with a picture

-       Identifying numbers 0-30

-       Shapes - Trapezoid and Hexagon

~ The Kindergarten Team ~

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