Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Week!

First Week!
Our first week of kindergarten is almost complete!  Students have dived right in by learning classroom procedures and routines.  We have also practiced the school-wide PBIS system so that we are safe, respectful, and responsible in all we do.  Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop have begun!  Students are practicing habits of independent readers, writers, and listeners.  Each classroom has practiced what each workshop should look and sound like. 

In Readers Workshop, students have helped to create a list of what good readers do.  Students have been introduced to print concepts as we demonstrate how to open and take care of a book, and how text moves left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.  Teachers have modeled making personal connections to text.  Students have also learned to retell an event’s beginning, middle, and end through sequencing pictures.  We learned that readers can "read" a story by looking at the pictures, looking at the words, or by retelling the story.             

In Writers Workshop, students have helped to create a list of what good writers do.  During Writers Workshop this week, we have begun to "write" stories.  We have drawn to show what we like and what we know about.  We have learned to share our stories with our carpet partners and have practiced giving compliments about a partner's piece of work. 

We will continue exploring the following books this upcoming week!

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